Re-Aim Traffic Cameras At Gas Station Price Boards

Today while heading out to meet a friend for a GST reduced Tim Horton’s coffee, I heard Ron Corbett of the Ottawa Citizen on CFRA talking about the fact that five provinces now have some sort of control over the price of gas. He was looking for people to call in with their opinions so I decided to make the call.

I told Ron that I would rather get a fair shake with supply and demand. Microeconomics 101. Setting prices will create shortages or surplusses.

I then suggested we take all the traffic cameras lining the highways and aim them at gas station price boards. It would not take long before collusion was easily proved and irrefutable. A simple analysis of any gas stations tanker purchases cross referenced with the cost they charge would easily prove this.

Ron actually enjoyed the idea and I hope he runs with it in one of his upcoming articles.