My Canada Day Was All Over The Place

Today was a fun day in the sun (and sometimes very light showers) but mostly sun.

I started off watching a bit of world cup soccer, then went out front and shot some hoops with my son. Then as I mentioned earlier I shot downtown to hang out with the thousands of other people in downtown Ottawa.

The first picture below is of some of the musicians/buskers that dot the streets on Canada Day. This was a small drum circle. (Nothing like the 30 or 40 drum circles I have seen at Grateful Dead concerts but they were pretty hot nonetheless.).

Canada Day 2006 Drum Circle

We hooked up with some friends and enjoyed walking around near the Hill until we got to the War Memorial. I walked around the memorial holding Cookies hand and explained to her (for the second time in her short life) what it was for and what the different years meant. Cookie still isn’t quite sure what it is about but I still explain it to her so one day she will know. Below is a picture of her (on the left) and a teammate from gymnastics (giving the peace sign).

Canada Day 2006 War Memorial

We then made our way up the road to have dinner at Dunn’s Deli. Mr. Dunn himself was out working the floor. I had a pretty decent smoked meat sandwich. Not Schwartz’s mind you, but not bad.

After that, T-Bone and I took off back to the car. On the way I got a nice pic of the world’s longest melted skating rink. a.k.a. The Rideau Canal.

Canada Day 2006 - Rideau Canal

We beat the traffic out and made it back to Kanata in time to shoot a few more hoops in the driveway before heading out to park near Walter Baker park where the local fireworks were on and 54-40 was playing. The fireworks started a bit early but we got to enjoy the 20 minute show and could hear 54-40 playing a tune or two. But we were doing it all from my truck because the rain was starting.

A short trip home, and a fill up at 100.2/litre (9 cents cheaper than this morning) and here I am enjoying my first (and second) beer of the weekend.

I hope everyone else out there had a great Canada Day with family and friends.

On that note, I wish to make one final statement. Something that I have not seen anywhere online today. A grand omission on the part of many. Despite our well wishes to each other on Canada Day, we all forget to wish the grand dame her just dues.

Happy 139th Birthday Canada!!!

You are holding up well after 139 years. And might I add that you are looking way better than you did last year and I am willing to wager you look even better on your 140th birthday.

ADDENDUM For those who have never been to Ottawa, the building in the far background of the top picture, i.e. behind the drummers, is the famous Chateau Laurier.

6 thoughts on “My Canada Day Was All Over The Place

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    July 2, 2006 at 7:37 am

    Sounds like a great way to spend Canada Day! The pics are fantastic.

    This is actually the first time I’ve checked out your blog. Lots happening here. I’ll definitely be a regular visitor from now on.

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  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    July 3, 2006 at 2:18 pm

    Good post & pics!

    Tell me… what do you think of this “People’s Day” idea? I didn’t like it when they moved from Dominion Day to Canada Day but I could understand the reason. Now, I understand some cities are calling it People’s Day rather than Canada Day. Thoughts?

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    July 3, 2006 at 10:36 pm

    I think I am torn between Dominion Day and Canada Day. I don’t think we should change it again. It just cheapens the day again. This is Canada. It was a Dominion before 1982 and a Nation after so I can live with either of the two. People’s Day seems to focus on the exhisting inhabitants and not the nation or it’s history in my mind.

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    July 4, 2006 at 9:46 am

    People’s Day ???? Never heard of it. Sounds “tres socialiste”, eh?

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