Mugabe Marionnette Stuffs Anglican Pulpits With Puppets

In addition to the atrocities that have left hundreds of thousands homeless and dying of starvation, Robert Mugabe is now stacking the Anglican Church in Zimbabwe with his henchmen.

I’ve written about Mugabe here and here but the situation is getting worse and worse.

The controversy revolves around Nolbert Kunonga, the Bishop of Harare, who last year became the first Anglican priest in Africa in more than 100 years to face prosecution by his peers. The charges included preaching racial hatred.

Since his appointment in 2001 Kunonga has consistently used his pulpit at St Mary’s Cathedral to praise Mugabe and decry critics of the regime. As a reward he was given a farm and a seven-bedroomed house overlooking a lake.

Now the 56-year-old bishop has started ordaining government ministers and party officials with no theological training, including Joseph Msika, the vice-president.

Any priest who dares to speak out finds himself transferred to a remote parish and intimidated.

This could make Zimbabwe the next Rwanda.

H/T to Jack’s Newswatch 

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