Red Friday – Part 4

Below is part 4 of the Red Friday video. This segment is highlighted by the speech given by the Minister of Defence, Gordon O’Connor. Near me a protester tried to make her way up but seemed to chicken out when she saw the security and a security guard standing beside me for much of the event sidled up behind her.

Following Minister O’Connor, a representative from the Canadian Afghani community expresses his thanks as well.

If you cannot view the above video try clicking on the link below.

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View Part 7

Red Friday – Part 3

This is the third part of the complete footage from the gathering on Parliament Hill.

This clip is the speech by Prime Minister Stephen Harper. He cracks a joke, he sends a message to the media and he shines…as he always does.

If you cannot see the above clip, try clicking the link below.

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View Part 7

Red Friday – Part 2

This is the second installment of my video from the rally on Parliament Hill in support of our troops overseas and families here at home. This segment is primarily focussed on the speech given by General Rick Hillier, the head of our armed forces.

This is a great speech. Worth the 10 minutes of time.

If you cannot view the video above, you can try clicking the link below.

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View Part 7

Red Friday – Part 1

I had the luxury of being on parliament hill today to take part in Red Friday. I brought my camcorder with me and the next few posts will be short clips from the event.

The first is a bit of the preamble on CFRA, the crowd, the national anthem, the walk in of the Legion and a soldier wounded in Afghanistan and some signs from around the crowd.

If you can not see the above video, tryi clicking on the link below.

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View Part 7

OSTV Is On The Air

OK so I stole the catch phrase from SCTV.SCTV

After the Granola Policy Conference last weekend, I had created three new videos bringing my total at youtube to five. With the new session of parliament coming up, I think the footage will be fast and furious so I have a feeling this online TV network will be growing nicely.

In fact, it already has. Lunatic Fringe has been viewed over 250 times to date, Hit The Road Jack Layton almost 150 times, NDP Surfin’ On Heroin over 150 times.

But thanks to Blogging Tory TV, Dan The Man Matheson has been viewed almost 600 times. But far and away the most viewed has been the video on Why the WTC Towers Fell. This video has been viewed over 1100 times.

I can’t wait to get my WinTV programmed for QP on CPAC starting Monday. I think it’s going to be a great fall session.

Lunatic Fringe – The NDP And Their Hatred Of George Bush

After blogging the single motion session of the NDP national convention Saturday morning from my cushy seat in front of CPAC, I started recording until my harddrive was jammed up (and violently ill from) NDP national convention footage. My only regret was not getting a copy of the “First nine times I saw George Bush’s name come up“.

But thanks to the suggestion from my friend Alan, I started putting a collage together. He also suggested the background music which I thought was incredibly fitting. (You can go read the lyrics of the tune here).

If you enjoyed “The NDP Surfin’ on Heroin” and “Hit The Road Jack“, then you should really enjoy this one. I think it is the piece de resistance, or more aptly put, the piece de resistance de guerre. Here is Lunatic Fringe-A tribute to the NDP.

Enjoy, because after this, I need a break and some relaxation…which I will get by bashing a few Liberals around.

p.s. don’t forget to rate it at youtube if you have the time.

If you can’t view the video above, try clicking here.

NDP Support Surfin' On Heroin

I love playing with Windows Movie Maker. Below is a video I made from a clip taken from the CPAC coverage of the NDP policy convention in Quebec City this weekend. Jim Green pointed out that his wife worked for the organization that created the safe injection clinic (in fact she was the president) and his daughter works for them. Talk about a biased opinion of safe injection.

I took the liberty of adding some commentary, some smokin’ music … errr … some shootin’ up music by a Canadian band called the Forgotten Rebels and uploaded to youtube.


If you cannot see it embedded above try clicking here

Dan Matheson – Bitchslapping A Liberal Near You

When ProudtobeCanadian embedded this clip on their site a couple of weeks ago, people cheered CTV newsman Dan Matheson for his hard hitting, non left wing, spins on the situation in Lebanon. A refreshing change from the typical socialist MSM.

Well Dan “The Man” Matheson has done it again. He bitchslaps Liberal MP Dan McTeague so hard in the clip below that McTeague goes from calling Matheson “Dan” to calling him “Mr. Matheson”.

Click the video below to watch it.

I am still waiting for Dan McTeague to apologize to Peter McKay.