Smackdown: Spanking Scott Brison

Why do the Liberals let floor crossers ask questions during Oral Questions?

The only answer I can think of is to provide with fodder for more Smackdown videos.

I’ll thank Scott Brison for this one. If you want to rate the video (and I hope you do) click the link below the video and watch it on YouTube where you can rate it. Otherwise, click the video below once to start watching.

If you cannot view the video above, click the link below.

Dion Takes Another One On The Chin

I thought that Randal Denley dealt a blow. It seems Michael Coren has dealt the blow no one wanted to be the first to deal.

There is an elephant sitting in the corner of the room and the political elites are pretending it isn’t there. Or to put it more directly, the Tory attack ads on Stephane Dion are missing the point. The most obvious problem about the leader of the Liberal party is that his English is appalling and he is often entirely unintelligible.

There. That which we are not supposed to mention. It’s okay to lambaste English-Canadian politicians for their lack of French, even if they represent completely English-speaking ridings, but never point out that a man who wants to rule Canada and speak to and for 20 million Anglophones has an often-impenetrable accent and a bewildering vocabulary.

But in a similar fashion to Randal Denley, Coren also thinks Dion is not going to make a good leader. He concludes his piece with the following:

Is this a man who is qualified to govern a country as great and diverse as Canada? The question is rhetorical and the answer is obvious in any language.

Liberals all across Canada must be wondering what the options are. Many of their leadership candidates are still digging themselves out of the financial holes they fell in during the last leadership convention. The party couldn’t afford a single Superbowl commercial to battle the numerous ones the Tories are airing, let alone afford another leadership convention which they obviously need desperately.

Citizen Columnist Randall Denley Bitchslaps Stephane Dion … And Good!!

Typically, articles like this one get people fired within the Asper empire. I am glad someone like Randall Denley has the reputation and popularity to not care. In this article, Denley is like a chop shop for Liberal leaders.

I’ve just met Liberal leader Stephane Dion for the first time and I have to say, it was a frightening experience. The thought that this fellow could become the prime minister of Canada ought to alarm us.

That quote isn’t even the half of it. You may need a Citizen account to read the whole thing but here is the closing line.

I’m not a natural consumer of the Liberal brand, but as a voter, I like to feel that I have two valid choices. With Stephane Dion as Liberal leader, that’s not the case. Dion would have us believe he’s qualified to be prime minister. If he thinks that, he’s kidding himself. Let’s not let him kid us, too.

And in between those two quotes is paragraph after paragraph of Dion taking it on the chin from Denley on every issue under the sun.

H/T to my friend J.P.

Rideau Canal Opens Thanks To John Baird

“John Baird has been Minister for the Environment for less than a month and he has already lowered the temperature by 15 or 20 degrees.”

– – Lowell Green of CFRA – –

I heard that quote last week from Lowell and noticing that our high was -15C yesterday, I thought I would share that with you.

Keep at it Mr. Baird. If you keep on mother nature the way you did the Liberal Senators changing the Accountability Act, we may have another ice age on the way!!