Kathleen Wynne Nickels and Dimes Small Businesses

Today Kathleen Wynne’s Liberals raised miniumum wage in Ontario from $10.25 to $11.00. Either she doesn’t do math or she is nickel and diming.  She announced that she would tag the rise to inflation since 2010 when it was last raised.

Yet by my math when I take the CPI inflation rate in Canada over the past 4 years and multiply the rate by the current $10.25 minimum wage I get a $10.96 minimum wage.

CPI inflation for 2010 – 2.35%

CPI inflation for 2011 – 2.30%

CPI inflation for 2012 – 0.83%

CPI inflation for 2013 – 1.24%

So $10.25 x 1.0235 x 1.0230 x 1.0083 x 1.0124 = $10.955

So she has just tagged in an added 4.45 cents.  You may think this is paltry but it is another way she is nudging Ontario small businesses over the cliff a nickel at a time.

Officially Screwed….again.

Obamacare Continues to NOT Impress

And the hole gets bigger.

Are Americans getting OfficiallyScrewed?

More than 4.7 million Americans had their health insurance canceled as a result of any of the thousand-plus-page law’s new rules, the Associated Press reports, but the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) confirmed Tuesday that between federal and state exchanges, just 2 million Americans have signed up for Obamacare coverage.

Liberals value BBQ with Justin Trudeau at $999…….

In this article in the Ottawa Citizen, The Liberals seemto be valuing a BBQ with Justin Trudeau at $999.

How much is a five-person barbecue dinner with Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau worth to you?

Federal Liberals sent out an email this week offering Canadians who donate $5 or more to the party between now and June 30 a chance to win a barbecue dinner for five with the Grit leader this summer.

It’s the party’s latest fundraising effort and is a clear attempt to combine Canadians’ love of grilling with what Liberals are hoping is Trudeau’s celebrity appeal.

“The leader loves having the chance to meet one-on-one with Canadians,” said Liberal party spokesman Olivier Duchesneau. “And obviously Canadians love to barbecue in the summer, so it was a great fit.”

But because the fundraiser is also a contest – the winner of the barbecue date will be chosen through a random draw – Duchesneau said the party was legally required to come up with a value for the prize.

And there it is in the fine print: “Approximate value of $999 CAD.”

So the Shiney Pony speaks at a fundraiser and the price is $20,000 but when you get him in an intimate 5 person BBQ fundraiser, the value is only $999. Considering he charged the $20,000 while an MP it should have gone up now that he is party leader.

This to me is a blatant attempt to bypass the donation limits the party has to set on the value of things. Recall when they had their “Sky is the limit” auction?

In that case they were forced to back down because people were bidding to exceed the donation limit of the prize. Well in this case the value received by the Liberals in $5 ticket prices far exceeds the value of the $999 claim and it will also likely exceed the $1200 limit per person.

It may be “legal” but it is still optically circumventing the rules via technicalities.

Liberals….OfficiallyScrewing over Canadians since 1867.,

How Paranoid About Religion Must One Be?

I am stunned that someone actually felt the terms B.C. and A.D. need to be changed because they refer to Christianity. But in this article, the reversal of this decision is discussed.

The museum, like many institutions that study history, some time ago dropped BC (for “before Christ”) and AD (for “anno Domini,” the Latin phrase for “in the year of the Lord”) in describing dates. Instead, it has used CE (for “common era”) and BCE (before the common era). But no more.

How screwed up is that?

The Canadian Museum of Civilization in Ottawa went with the new terms but are reversing the decision for interactions with the public and only maintaining the BCE and CE terms for academic purposes.  Why even bother?

The best quote to describe this was made by Kelly McParland, who said:

It’s my opinion that the museum is playing with fire. Maybe that’s why they’re changing their own name from Canadian Museum of Civilization to the Canadian Museum of History. Which is presumably being done to avoid offending the uncivilized.