Guilty Without A Crime

If you are a conservative gathering to protest higher taxes you are a tea bagger.

If you are a leftist gathering to shout down free speech, you are a hero.

If you are Stephen Colbert, hyperbole is comedy.

If you are Ann Coulter, hyperbole is a crime.

What bothers me most about the whole Ann Coulter situation is that they found her guilty before she even spoke. This was an affront on free speech in Canada and simply a sad day. If the reason was that she promotes hate, then find her guilty WHEN SHE PROMOTES HATE. Not before it. THAT is the Canadian way. Innocent until proven guilty.

Free speech gets Officiallyscrewed by Ottawa U. students.

ex-Liberal MPP Jim Watson Under Scrutiny In Mayoral Bid

It seems the local CityHoller blog and columnist Randall Denley in Ottawa have started to expose the soft underbelly of ex Ontario Liberal MPP and Ottawa Mayoral Candidate Jim Watson.

It looks like Jim Watson, who was the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing in the McGuinty Liberal Government, was instrumental in the decision to let corporate donations stand in Ottawa municipal elections as recently as December 2009. The Baby New Year of 2010 was hardly crawling before Watson announced his candidacy for the mayoral race and not three months later, Jimbo is holding a corporate fundraiser IN TORONTO.

What I find distasteful in all this is that the rebate Watson is touting to his Toronto corporate friends will be paid by Ottawa tax payer dollars. Dandy.

Ottawa taxpayers might be getting OfficiallyScrewed by the perpetual, musical chair playing politician.

What’s your take?

Birthers On Notice

I know this was a hot topic before his election and apparently it continues to be a hot one for 10 to 20 people a week.

Hawaii Health Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino issued statements last year and in October 2008 saying that she’s seen vital records that prove Obama is a natural-born American citizen.

But the state still gets between 10 and 20 e-mails seeking verification of Obama’s birth each week, most of them from outside Hawaii, Kim said Tuesday.

A few of these requesters continue to pepper the Health Department with the same letters seeking the same information, even after they’re told state law bars release of a certified birth certificate to anyone who does not have a tangible interest. Responding wastes time and money, Kim said.

I am not a birther. I am fully content with Kim’s response but what irks me is the sentence:

..state law bars release of a certified birth certificate to anyone who does not have a tangible interest.

If the highest level of office is in question then it one would presume it would be of “tangible interest” to Americans and a copy of the certificate should simply be made public. It would finally shut up the birthers and what would it hurt?

I’m just saying….

On Skilled Immigration

Today on Lowell Green’s morning show the topic of immigration was up. Some callers supported skilled immigration in areas we need as having a priority.

I like this concept in theory and I would even propose having a list of authorized audited institutions for confirmation (if we don’t already).

And a group of skilled people in a needed trade should be used to confirm that the immigrant’s skillset is adequate in order to prevent fraudular claims.

Just my 2 cents.

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McGuinty HST Proves More Costly To Ontario Taxpayers

Today on CFRA Radio it was announced that the tax workers moving from the provincial payroll to the federal payroll when the HST is implemented will not only keep there seniority and pay, but they will also receive 6 months severence from the province amounting to a one time payout of $30K to $50K each. This is despite the fact that they will not lose a single day of pay.

The ONLY employees who should get a severence are ones who are let go in the transition.


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Tim Hudak in Senator Mike Duffy's Leader Studio

Senator Duffy’s questions for Tim included 10 staples from the original TV show. Below are the questions and Tim Hudak’s answers.

Inside leaders studio questions

Q: What is your favourite word?
A: Miller (his daughter’s name). (Insert beer joke here)

Q: What is your least favourite word?
A: Can’t (big round of applause)

Q: What turns you on?
A: his wife Debbie

Q: What turns him off?
A: Chick flicks

Q: What sound does he love?
A: His daughter’s laughter

Q: What sound does he hate?
A: Early morning cat meows for food

Q; What is your favourite curse word?
A: Liberal

Q: What profession outside of his own would he like to attempt?
A: Pro quarterback for Buffalo Bills

Q: What profession would he not like to do?
A: (2 answers) a) Toronto Star columnist and a job in trades due to lack of handyman skills.

Q: What would like to hear from God at pearly gates?
A: Hey Hudak, you barely squeaked in.

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Ontario PC AGM Highlights A Revitalized Organization

I can honestly say that the Ontario PC Party appears to be moving in the right direction when it comes to motivation and organization.

The PAC (Policy Advisory Council) meetings held yesterday wrapped up two years of build up in 12 key areas:

  • Economy
  • Environment
  • Energy
  • Social Energy
  • Heritage and the Arts
  • Agriculture, Rural and Resources
  • Education
  • Health
  • Justice
  • Urban Issues
  • Toronto Issues
  • Northern Issues

In the forefront for the party, however,  is job creation.

“It is clear what the most important issue to address is: create a business environment in Ontario that once again attracts and sustains private sector jobs.  The valuable input from our fellow Conservatives helps to support and inform the Ontario PC Caucus’ Job Creation Plan.”  (Peter Shurman, Ontario PC MPP for thornhill and Co-Chair of the Toronto PAC)

The party was also highlighting the numerous Town Hall meetings, the Policy Convention and an online survey as part of the PAC process.

The keynote speech by Leader Tim Hudak was full of great lines and was obviously something that built up from beginning to end.  You could see build up in the supporters through the speech when it came to a) the level of applause and b) the quantity of people giving standing O’s.

Following the speech, I socialized with a few of my old friends from the federal level of politics and joined in on an interesting conversations about pending nominations for the next election.

The dinner was an interesting event with the food service being marché style.  From what everyone had said about dinner fiascos in past provincial events in London and Niagara, this style let everyone eat as much as they wanted, there was seating or cocktail table space for everyone who wasn’t in a food line up and despite many people wanting a sit down dinner, this was probably the smartest way the party could a) cover everyone’s desire to eat  b) allow for mingling in the food lines and c) allow for several changes in table seating which was a wonderful way for delegates/supporters to mingle and meet new people.

The later part of the evening was highlighted by a visit to the spacious Federal level Conservative hospitality suite.  Being far more associated with the Federal party, I was very comfortable here.

Through the weekend, I noticed a few MPs milling around.  Peter Van Loan, Tony Clement, Gord Brown and John Baird all made appearances at some point through the convention.  Today (Sunday) will be highlighted by a Tim Hudak/Senator Mike Duffy show.  Having seen Senator Duff speak a couple of times, I sense this will be another scathing attack on what Liberals across Ontario and Canada have done to the country and how at the Federal level the Conservatives are rebuilding what the Liberals tore down and that it can also be done at the provincial level with leaders like Tim Hudak.

Ontario PC AGM Opening Quotes and Info for Armchair Observers At Home

MPP (and AGM Co-Chair) Lisa MacLeod’s quotes from the press conference include the following.

“The next provincial election is only 19 months away and this weekend’s AGM will serve as a springboard for delegates and party members across the province to get us ready for October 6, 2011. Under the leadership of Tim Hudak, the Ontario PC Party has the momentum, the ideas and the energy needed to ensure that Ontario can lead again.”


“We are breaking the mold of past AGMs with a fun, interactive and focused agenda that is consistent with the resurgence and energy of the Ontario PC Party. Every Ontario family that wants to build a better future should have that chance and the Ontario PC Party is the only party that is fighting to give families the opportunities they deserve.”

For those of you who want to view video clips of the AGM direct from the floor, as well as a streaming version of Tim Hudak’s keynote speech, the AGM has a website ( where you can sign up for the facebook group and even get your tweets.

You can’t say the Ontario PC Party is not well “connected”

I almost wish I had a toddler. This AGM has, for the first time ever, an all-day childcare where parents can drop their kids off at Miller Hudak’s Kid Convention. (I think that sounds more like my speed!! Especially if they have an X-Box)

Stay tunes for more.

Opening Speech by Nepean-Carleton MPP Lisa MacLeod for Ontario PC AGM

Timestamp 502pm:

Lisa MacLeod opened the session with an intro speech encompassing the general outline of the AGM.

She just fielded questions about the byelections, about the vote swing in Ottawa West Nepean.

MPP MacLeod believes that the party is resurging under the results even though Beth Graham lost. The Liberal candidate had 30 years of exposure in the community and Graham had 3 weeks.

Short and sweet intro.

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