GiGi's $7,750 Stay At Chateau Laurier On Taxpayers Tab

The Ottawa Citizen is reporting PM Paul Martin putting up the Governor General Michaëlle Jean, and some extended family, at the famous Chateau Laurier hotel for two nights. The total cost in room, food, wine, etc?

Over $7,750 for two nights.

Reprinted in it’s entirety:

Jean’s tab for two-day hotel stay hit $7,750

Governor General spent $1,500 on food, $380 on wine

Jack Aubry, The Ottawa Citizen
Published: Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Gov. Gen. Michaelle Jean’s secret two-night stay at the Chateau Laurier in August 2005, just before Prime Minister Paul Martin announced her surprise appointment, cost taxpayers $7,750, documents obtained through the Access to Information Act reveal.

Determined to keep Ms. Jean, her husband, Jean-Daniel Lafond and daughter, Marie-Eden, out of sight of regular patrons at the hotel, officials at the Privy Council Office put them up in one of the Chateau’s swanky presidential suites, at a cost of $1,800 a night, while staging day-long briefing sessions in nearby rooms on the eve of the Aug. 4 announcement by Mr. Martin.

The hotel bills indicate three rooms were booked for nine people, including the large suite for Ms. Jean, her husband and daughter, as well as rooms for Mr. Lafond’s two adult daughters, from his first marriage, along with their husbands and children.

Ms. Jean and her immediate family also rang up $1,533 in meals while eating in the dining room of the presidential suite, along with about $388 worth of wine. The hotel bill indicates that the dinner on the eve of the announcement totalled $841, including a single charge of $172 for wine, along with a second one for $84.

The hospitality claim filled out later on Aug. 22 for six adults, calculated that the cost per adult was approximately $1,300, with a final tally of $7,757.65 for meals, accommodation and flowers.

The documents were obtained by researcher Ken Rubin.
© The Ottawa Citizen 2006

Unbelievable….. simply unbelievable