We Have Our Version Of Florida, But No Hanging Chads In Desnethe-Missinippi-Churchill River

I was so proud when I reported my riding had a 74% voter turnout, one of the highest in the nation, but the Saskatchewan Riding of Desnethe-Missinippi-Churchill River had polls regularly exceeding 100%.

In a slowly brewing situation, more and more are calling for a recount, and possibly even a bi-election. Allegations of tampering, prizes to vote and polls reporting three and a half hours late have the results of this riding falling into a cloud of suspicion. The Liberal candidate, Gary Merasty beat Tory incumbent Jeremy Harrison.

With all but one poll remaining, the Tory was leading by over 200 votes, but the last poll, which had a 104% voter turnout, swung the vote the other way with 93% of the poll voting Liberal.

The whole article by Danielle Smith can be read here. Below is a snippet of additional speculation on foul play.

More trouble: Chief Guy Lariviere of the Canoe Lake First Nation signed an affidavit declaring that Liberal candidate campaign literature was present in the ballot boxes in his polling station. This would also be contrary to the Canada Elections Act, Section 166.

Others have come forward to tell the Harrison campaign team they were bullied and threatened into voting Liberal. The consequences of voting otherwise are no small concern to people who live on small, remote reserves that can only be reached by plane, and who rely almost entirely on their band council for financial support.

H/T to Jesse Gritter and Adam Daifallah on this one