OS Bookshelf – Right Side Up: The Fall Of Paul Martin And The Rise Of Stephen Harper's New Conservativism by Paul Wells

Paul Wells’ first book was an especially good read for someone like me who was a political junkie at my worst during the past two elections.

This book, Right Side Up: The Fall of Paul Martin and the Rise of Stephen Harper’s New Conservativism was a good read for filling in all the little details of the 18 months between the 2004 and 2006 elections. It outlines much of the activity within the Liberal Party and within Paul Martin’s election war room.

The writing style Paul Wells’ displays is very appealing in that it flows easily for political and non political alike. His years writing for newspapers and magazines clearly shows through.

I would highly recommend this read for someone who may not have been up on what was going on in the last election or someone new to politics who would like to know how we got where we are today after the reign of Chretien.

7 out of 10 screws.
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One thought on “OS Bookshelf – Right Side Up: The Fall Of Paul Martin And The Rise Of Stephen Harper's New Conservativism by Paul Wells

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    March 13, 2007 at 10:39 pm

    Thanks to Paul martin we got got screwed for $12 Million Maher Arar’s settlement for what Syria did to him, and now Pelletier will get his job back and Sue us for abot $4 Million dollars because of Martin firing him on a whim to look tough on the Unity-Fund scam.
    Just wait another 30+ years and see a massive Redress law Suit by refugees that were harmed under the Liberals open-door Policy that made some be forced to take welfare and some waiting over 15 years to get an answer on their claims.

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