EcoTrust Is A Made In Canada Approach To The Environment

In the past week, Stephen Harper has gone on a cross country tour making several announcements pertaining to the EcoTrust spending that is a “Made In Canada” approach to reducing green house gases, while at the same time working towards providing cleaner energy.

Coal fired plants to be taken offline in Ontario via Hydroelectricity piped in from Manitoba. Cleaner mass transit to the outskirts of Toronto. Hydrogen power programs in B.C.

The Liberals are claiming these programs were their ideas and that they were ready to fund them or they had indeed earmarked money to fund them. The Liberals are even stating they were going to give more to these environmental programs.

What’s funny is Stephen Harper did not have to “earmark” money for these, or even do any serious number crunching or increase taxes to accommodate these “Made In Canada” programs.

All he had to do was turn off the Kyoto payments to China and divert the funds. Something the Liberals were not ready to do. Of course, the Liberals were going to put an extra $3 to $5 Billion into the environment. They just don’t tell you that this was going to Maurice Strong’s China via a dog of a program named Kyoto. (on that note, I have to plug a friend’s blog, A Dog Named Kyoto. The name is quite fitting.)

How simple was this solution for the Conservatives? How awesome was this solution for Canadians? We get our cake (programs) and we get to eat it too (no higher taxes to do it).

First slice goes to Rona Ambrose for holding the fort.