OfficiallyScrewed NCAA BasketBall Bracket Madness

OK. I admit it. I am an NCAA basketball junkee.

If there are any others out there, I would like to invite you to join in on the OfficiallyScrewed NCAA Basketball Bracket Madness. This is completely free to enter and it is run by CBS Sportsline so you don’t even have to give up your real identity.

To enter you simply have to visit the link below (bookmark it), sign up, and make your selections for the tournament BEFORE the first game this Thursday at high noon.

The password to sign up is: screwed

If I can securely figure out who the winner is, I would be glad to give up an baseball hat and mug to the winner.

I am hoping as many of you sign up as possible before the deadline.

As an FYI, I have adjusted the point scoring as follows.

Each Round One Game Correct=1 point
Each Round Two Game Correct=2 points
Each Round Three Game Correct=3 points
Each Round Four Game Correct=4 points
Each Semi-Final Game Correct=5 points
Predict Correct Champion=10 points

Note you MUST predict every game all the way to, and including, the finals BEFORE Thursday Noon. You do NOT reset after each round. i.e. If your eventual overal winning choice loses in the first round, you will lose the potential points for every round you predicted them to win, including the finals. This is the way typical bracket pools are operated so don’t ask me why it is this way.