Peace Moonbeam Sums Up The Democrats View On Iraq Best

I really have to commend my left leaning, ultra sarcastic, flower child Americano friend Peace Moonbeam. She has a couple of new posts up that just have me in stitches. Below are a couple of quotes. Like these gems with regards to Nancy Pelosi and the Dems taking control of both houses and their plans on Iraq.

First and foremost, I asked her how quickly the Democrats were going to press their plan for victory in Iraq. Nancy said as soon as they think up a plan, they were going to ram it through. When questioned further, she said she was pretty sure their strategy would probably involve some sort of rapid retreat as soon as possible. “Our goal will most likely be an orderly and dignified exit like we did in Vietnam, only hopefully without the millions of people being slaughtered after we leave,” she said

You have to love her toungue in cheek style.

By far the most urgent need is to achieve victory in Iraq. As we discussed earlier, the only way to achieve this victory is to leave as soon as possible. Some prominent Democratic leaders have called for pullouts within four to six months.

(She almost sounds as right wing as Mark Steyn…now you know why I like her!!)

I’ve done some figuring and with the Dems’ proposed “Forces Leaving Early Expeditiously” plan (FLEE), I calculate over 378.3 terrorists will not be created every week we are gone. These men and women will instead most likely become professors, doctors, and nurses.

And the last word on the Dems lack of a plan on what to do about Iraq?

Troops out, lawyers in, build water parks. All better.

One thought on “Peace Moonbeam Sums Up The Democrats View On Iraq Best

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    November 19, 2006 at 1:31 am

    After several more bong hits, I started getting a little creeped out when I realized in the smokey light she looked just like Michael Jackson, but I digress…

    Absolute classic!!

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