The Truth About Icebergs Near New Zealand

As I have already seen a couple of commercial clips about the New Zealand icebergs, I thought I would point some information out to my readers to help dispel any attempt by the Main Stream Media (MSM) to make it look like these icebergs are due to global warming.

Please note this:

The flotilla of icebergs off the South Island were probably once part of a much larger iceberg from the Ronne Ice Shelf, on the other side of Antarctica from New Zealand.

And then note this:

The seaward side of the Filchner-Ronne ice sheet is divided into Eastern (Filcher) and the larger Western (Ronne) sections by Berkner Island. The whole ice shelf covers some 430,000 kmĀ², making it the second largest ice shelf in Antarctica, after the Ross Ice Shelf. It grows perpetually due to a flow of inland ice sheets. From time to time, when the shearing stresses exceed the strength of the ice, cracks form and large parts of the ice sheet separate from the ice shelf and continue as icebergs. This is known as “calving”.

Bolded emphasis mine.

To back up this data, I looked up information on the Ross Ice Shelf which is similar to the Ronne Shelf but bigger and you can consider this supporting data.

Another massive iceberg has broken off the Ross Ice Shelf, reducing the Antarctic formation to about the size it was in 1911 when explorer Robert Scott’s team first mapped it.

Scientists at the University of Wisconsin said on Monday the breakage is part of the normal iceberg formation or “calving” that comes as thick layers of ice gradually slide down from the high antarctic plateau, and is not related to climate changes or global warming.

Again, bolded emphasis is mine. I just wanted this known before the main stream media goes nuts telling you these floating icebergs are due to global warming. In fact, I can almost guarantee the news channels will bring up the topic and make it ambiguous as to whether or not this is attributed to global warming. Let’s watch and see how they do on their research into “calving”.

2 thoughts on “The Truth About Icebergs Near New Zealand

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    November 19, 2006 at 1:27 am

    The more we think we learn about planet Earth, the more we discover that even the fundamental assumptions which scientists have used for decades are inaccurate. The folks who are screaming about global warming used to be screaming because we were supposedly slipping into an ice age.

    Take this example (for example) of global warming….

    The “Lost Squadron” crashlanded on Greenland (ultimate misnomer) in 1942 and a group of adventurers dug one of them up in 1992. In 50 years, the aircraft were covered with 268 feet of ice. Does this sound like global warming to you?

    Our planet goes through cycles of cooling and warming. Human activity does little (if anything) to influence this. While I’m fully supportive of any initiative which reduces waste and pollution, sending my tax dollars to purchase “carbon credits” does not appeal to me. Kyoto isn’t about cleaning up the environment; it’s about redistribution of wealth. That’s why all the socialists are backing it.

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    November 19, 2006 at 10:43 am

    They found a Viking farm in the permafrost in Greenland. Tests show the soil was good and actually improving while they farmed there . So i guess it was quite a bit warmer in Greenland a thousand years or so.I had to look on google to find it . didn’t seem to be much of a story anywhere though , for some reason.

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