Was Karygiannis A Beneficiary Of Tamil Tiger Election Fraud?

Was it a disagreement with Volpe? Or is there more to Karygiannis’ resignation from team Apotex? I wonder…

From National Post:

The voter lists, along with manuals on missile-guidance systems, books encouraging suicide bombing and paperwork that police say is evidence of terrorist fundraising, were seized from the World Tamil Movement (WTM)

The list of registered voters was from Scarborough-area voting sites. All Tamil-sounding names had been highlighted and their home addresses were identified. They were found in the office of the WTM’s treasurer, police said.

According to the Elections Canada Web site, voter lists are protected by the Privacy Act and are only supposed to be used for election purposes. Improper use of voting lists is an offence.

From Karygiannis’ website:

In the days immediately following the 2004 tsunami, Jim met with constituents who were worried about the plight of their families and wanted to know if Canadian humanitarian aid was being delivered where it was needed. In January 2005, he visited several tsunami ravaged areas of Sri Lanka and reported his findings to the community and to the Prime Minister.

The warehouse busted was a stone’s throw south of Karygiannis’ Tamil laden riding. The green outlined area below is Jimmy K.’s riding. The red dot is where the east end bust was made. The blue dot indicates a donut shop I hung out at for 6 or 7 years that is now densely populated by East Indians and Tamils.

JimmyK Riding Map

Why is my spider sense tingling? Jimmy K. is likely to be totally innocent of any wrongdoing, but with the strong Tamil connections, I have a sneaky suspicion that the man who garnered 64% of his riding vote may have been a benefactor of the illegal elector list.

H/T to Dr. Roy for the Election List info

4 thoughts on “Was Karygiannis A Beneficiary Of Tamil Tiger Election Fraud?

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    July 22, 2006 at 4:30 pm

    you are beginning to take on the appearance of steve janke’s investigative research and speculative musings. i like it. keep it up. if you really dig you just might get whacked. we need more of you in the world. courage.

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    July 22, 2006 at 6:32 pm

    Core, you ain’t kidding. The thought of getting whacked has crossed my mind. Especially with the upcoming municipal election.

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    July 25, 2006 at 10:12 pm

    1. Considering the fact that Jim K’s riding is densely populated by Tamil homes, businesses, temples, schools and Tamil community in general – where else do you think a warehouse operated by Tamils is going to be located? If you map any legal Tamil run establishment, you will likely have a 90% chance of it be a “stones throw” away from Jim’s riding. Maybe… just maybe… that’s why Jim was involved with the Tamil community so closely?? Its called representing your constituents.

    2. Yes nice blue dot – so you rubbed elbows 6 or 7 years ago with a few ‘colored’ folks huh? Good for you, I bet you feel that makes you street smart or something. But whats your point?? If you had any clue you’d know that most of Scarborough is now populated by many East Indians and Sri Lankans amongst many other communities, and your little donut shop is nothing special. Again – whats your point? Just because you saw a few Lankans in a donut shop there’s supposed to be a conspiracy?

    3. So what exactly do you think Jim K could have done with a list of people in his riding? All one has to do is pick up a phone book to get a more comprehensive list. Having a list like that suddenly gives him an upper hand?

    Your post is so absurdly xenophobic its comical. Keep up the investigative reports hahaha.

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    July 25, 2006 at 11:43 pm

    Dravid, it wasn’t a warehouse operated by Tamils. it was a warehouse operated by Tamil Tigers. Big difference. Sort of like the difference between Lebanese and Hezbollah. Tamils and east Indians are wonderful people but when a terrorist group has an elector list and not just a simple phone book, their is a suspicion of voter tampering which the RCMP, I am sure, will investigate. As my final point and title indicate, there is no slight here against Jimmy K. or any indiction that he commited any illegal act. Just the question being posed on the possibility that he was a beneficiary of the possible elector tampering which a voter list with a specific community highlighted could be indicative of.

    Re: your point 3, first question, Jimmy has a list of the people in his riding. He was a candidate and probably tied in to the Liberal consituency system. The question is moot since him having a list has nothing to do with Tamil Tigers having a marked list.

    But I must say I am glad to have such well spoken visitors. Perhaps my comical xenophobia will keep you coming back for more.


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