RIM Fights Back – Creator Of Crackberry Blackberry Creates Workaround

And the scales tip…..

Research In Motion, the creator of the infamous Blackberry and supporting “always on” technologies has turned the tables on NTP, Inc.

Waterloo, ON – Research In Motion (RIM) (Nasdaq: RIMM; TSX: RIM) today provided an update in the patent litigation between RIM and NTP, Inc. (“NTP”). RIM has developed and tested software workaround designs for all BlackBerry® handsets operating on converged voice/data networks in the United States. Although there is no injunction order in place, and RIM believes it has strong legal and factual arguments opposing an injunction, RIM has developed these software workaround designs as a contingency to allow BlackBerry service to continue should the court implement an injunction in the current litigation involving the NTP patents.

This is exactly the way a perfect capitalist society should operate. RIM has built a new mousetrap to ensure customers are not let down and probably saved themselves Billions in royalty payments to NTP. Good old Canadian technology. You have to be proud of this company’s reputation in the world.

The whole article gets pretty legal and technical, but worth a gander for American Blackberry owners. There is no changes yet, but there is still some dispute over the transition period. NTP wants a 30 day one, and RIM has said this is too short. This may determine when users need to go get the latest software upload. You might want to bookmark the following link.

Blackberry Workaround Site