This Is The Daycare The NDP and Liberals Want?

Hey Libs and Dippers, there is NO WAY you can defend this. Even trying would be ludicrous.

It was a beautiful winter day to spend outdoors for the children at Le Petit Bourg daycare centre. For most of them, it probably felt a lot warmer than the -2 recorded that day in Quebec City, even with the slight breeze that grazed their faces.

But the decision to leave 13-month-old Ludovick outdoors to nap for almost four hours has called into question the judgment of the daycare workers who thought it best to let the boy sleep, cuddled in a plastic car seat, rather than awaken him to take him indoors.

Bullet facts

-It was January 20th
-It was negative 2 Celsius outside
-Le Petit Bourg, left a 13 month old outside to nap for 4 hours

It seems the public childcare system is treating our children as well as our healthcare system treats our sick.

Why am I not surprised.

(h/t to Spiderman’s Web.)

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