It’s time to get off the sidelines and back into the game is a website dedicated to logically degrading, demoralizing, and deflating those that our society chooses to shower with press, praise and perfume (not to mention MONEY) for being imbeciles and officially screwing us, usually politically.

We stand for the Average Joe who wonders…

  • Who the hell is running this world?
  • What the hell is this world coming to?
  • When the hell did it change for the worse?
  • Where the hell did all the normal people go?
  • Why the hell is common sense so uncommon?
  • How the hell do we get out of this mess?

To delve deeper, is the brainchild of a fiscal conservative/libertarian who lost it after hearing about the Liberal Sponsorship Scandal. In essence, the feeling was that we were all being “OfficiallyScrewed”.

Not having any other outlet to vent, this site was created in 2005 to provide a voice to it’s creator. Because the bottom line is You either pay attention or pay through the nose. And I would rather pay attention.

Look out world.  I am back….and with a vengeance


One thought on “It’s time to get off the sidelines and back into the game

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 591
    August 3, 2018 at 3:34 pm

    Welcome back. You have so much ammunition these days it’s embarrassing. I don’t know where to start.

    My own personal “axe” is the planned LPC ban on handguns due to the small massacre that occurred in Toronto a few days ago.

    Have at it, I look forward to your posts.

    btw,I linked here from neo’s site at Blogging Tories.

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