Oh, The Shit's Gonna Hit The Fan Now

I just heard on CFRA that a huge breaking story is hitting the wires about a televised debate phone in interview show on the Shaw Cable network for the riding of Saskatoon-Wanuskewin.

During the debate show, a caller called in and accused Conservative Candidate Maurice Vellacott of sexual assault on a church secretary. Vellacott, immediately asked for the name and number of the caller for legal action and they had an idea of who this person was. I didn’t catch the name, but it was in the news brief. The campaign volunteer who apparently made the call is George Laliberte. When they ran a reverse lookup of the number, they came up with the Liberal campaign headquarters of Chris Axworthy.

i.e. a Liberal supporter at the Liberal campaign HQ accused on public TV, the CPC candidate of sexual assault on live television. There was no 7 second delay to cut the statement off. So many heard it.

This should be interesting. Stay Tuned. We will get all the links once MSM gets it out there.

Addendum – 12:56pm EST

I left voicemail with the program director asking for more information on this. The newsbrief was read by Lowell Green (one of my favourites to listen to) in the last hour of his 9am to 12pm weekday show. Next news cast on CFRA is at 1pm. Hopefully, they elabourate in this segment. You can listen via the internet.

Addendum – 01:00pm EST

The news is now on Vellacott’s website. Click Here to open the word document download.

Here is a snippit.

After the cable show ended, Vellacott was handed the requested phone number by Shaw Cable producer Gracie Field. Upon arrival back at his campaign office he was told that a person had reported in and was 100% confident that it was the voice of George Laliberte. The caller maliciously and falsely accused Vellacott of being “removed from North Park Church because you were charged with sexual assault” on his church secretary. Laliberte is a friend of Chris Axworthy’s and apparently owes Axworthy some favours. When the 1-306-956-2570 number provided by the Shaw Cable staff member was dialed, it was found to be Chris Axworthy’s campaign office phone number. At that time Laliberte could not be reached at his home number of 1-306-[removed by author]

Addendum – 02:13pm EST

This is now being picked up by the MSM. Nealenews.com is linking to an article entitled
Liberal Campaign Caught Falsely Accusing Conservative Candidate of Sexual Abuse

Here come’s the MSM to pick up the torch.

Addendum – 05:20pm EST

I called Shaw Cable in Saskatoon to talk to Gracie Field. A gentleman answered her phone and, basically, confirmed the number in the release was what they gave Vellacott.

I also called Vellacott’s office but they have nothing to add at this time. I wonder what Axworth’s people are drumming up for the print.

Oh, and for those who live in the Pleasant Hill area of Saskatoon, you should all get more involved and get to know some of the others helping out in your municipality. *nudge nudge wink wink*

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