Chretien Delusional That Sponsorship Scandal Is Over. Show Me The Money!!

This does not shock me but after Chuck Guité was found guilty on all five charges relating to the Sponsorship Scandal this week, dat der guy from Shawinigan came up for air.

“He was found guilty, it ends there,” Chretien told reporters Friday in his hometown of Shawinigan.

“I’ve always said, if there were some who stole money, let them go to prison. That’s what’s happening. I said it four years ago when I asked the police to intervene. That’s exactly how the system should work.”

H/T to Dr. Roy on this one

Umm, excusé-moi M. Chretien. But I watch enough cop shows to know that is NOT how it works. You see Chuck Guité has the right to an appeal. And when his lawyers tell him that his chances of overturning the appeal are slim to none, he starts to deal for a lesser sentence. And what does he deal with? Knowledge. What knowledge you may ask? We’ll just have to wait and see what time, and Chuck Guité, reveal.

We want proof about where the money all went. And as you know…A Proof Is A Proof

Waste Management Gets A Whiff Of Carp Mountain Disgust

Last night over 1100 residents took part in an information session on the planned Carp Rd. Landfill expansion plan. And I get the impression 1100 residents are against the expansion. As I noted here, and here, and here, I am also against the proposed expansion. CTV covered the meeting and I caught most of it.

Carp Mountain Video (file is approximately 2Megabytes so it may take time to popup)

POI: This landfill is a less than 5 miles from the heart of Canada’s high tech community, rises 20 storeys and is 1km x 1km (approx.)