Forty Six Years Ago, It Happened.

Just For Kicks I heard them say
Left for Heaven Only yesterday
From near three caves below six floors
Someone got scared. They closed the doors
For 75 years under lock in key
Maybe one day, we’ll get to see.”

It was 1995. I was wrapping up my Bachelor of Science with a 4 month stint in Dallas, Texas. But the workload that semester was light. Sightseeing time was easy to find with 12 hours of class a week.

Mitch, my roomie was a history buff and insisted we go. So we went. It was then that I stood on most historic grassy knoll in history. We snapped some photos. I still recall that I was wearing a tye-dye T-Shirt with an ice cream cone melted “Steal Your Face”. It was one of my all time favourites. Come on. You know you have had a few favourite T-shirts too. But I digress.

Dealey Plaza at Elm and S. Houston. We went up to the 6th Floor museum (of the seven storey building). It was an eye-opener for me. I still recall the plexiglass blocking me from the very window where he allegedly took the fatal shots.

I think it was that day that my interest in politics actually started.

Thanks Mitch.