Animal House Of Commons – Will We Be Voting This Summer?

The simple answer to this question is no.

Despite all the saber rattling the bottom line is that:

a) The Bloc Quebecois doesn’t want to lose seats to the Liberals and right now that’s what would happen.

b) The NDP doesn’t have the money to fight an election and they would definitely lose seats.

c) The Liberals don’t have the money and wouldn’t dare call an election before infrastructure money gets spent.

So this weekend Michael Ignatieff is going to relax, have a cognac while he intellectually debates with hawks like Warren Kinsella and in the end, the conversation will go something like the one between Greg Marmalard and Dean Wormer in the movie Animal House.

Liberal Hawk: But the Tories are already on probation.

Michael Ignatieff: They are? Well, as of this moment, they’re on DOUBLE SECRET PROBATION!