Drop And Give Me Twenty Private Martin!!

General Rick Hillier has publicly admonished the Liberals for the anti-soldier attack ads promoting a Conservative government would put soldiers in our cities. The head honcho of our military forces was probably staying non partisan before the election, but barely a week after election day and he has the Libs going through Basic Training drills.

Hillier pointed out that there are already soldiers living and working in every Canadian city prepared to help in the event of a crisis, emergency or natural disaster.

Hillier also criticized the Grits for failing to back up their promise to the military to hire 8,000 new soldiers, noting there were only a few hundred recruits since Martin first announced an initiative to swell the military’s ranks in 2004 because the money to pay for them was slow to flow.

He lavished praise on the Conservative defence election platform, which pledged to boost the military’s ranks by 13,000 soldiers.

It would have been nice to have a statement like this made before the election, but I understand General Hillier’s reservation in waiting until after the public has spoken. I’m just glad he said it. This is something to remember for the next election.