Why does this give me, and Stephen Harper, grey hair?

I am surprised I haven’t heard more about this from the Tories out there. Manitoba MP Brian Pallister is thinking about stepping down to run for the head of the Provincial Tories.

When referring to “the Orphan”, Adler means Brian Pallister.

Memo to Manitoba: The orphan was never on the list.

Fact: The Harper government will have fewer people in cabinet than its predecessor.

Fact: Several members of the Harper caucus in Alberta, who are far more qualified than the orphan, won’t be in cabinet.

Fact: Harper wants to give some seats to less qualified members in Central and Eastern Canada. Call it geographic balance.

Fact: The orphan knew all this before the election.

Fact: Manitoba Tory boss Stuart Murray announced last fall that he was surrendering leadership. That’s when the orphan started mapping out this strategy.

Pallister now has the chutzpah to tell Manitobans that he has made a sacrifice in not accepting a cabinet invitation that he never had.

He has the chutzpah to tell Manitobans that he is only now seriously considering a departure from federal politics despite telling political intimates months ago that he was eyeing the job of provincial Tory leader, and despite taking a poll to find out whether voters could stomach the words “Premier Pallister.”

I hate to admit this, but I think Adler is right on this one. If Pallister does resign to run for the Provincial big chair in Manitoba, it will put his riding into a bi-election. For the sake of his constituents, I hope he stays on through this parliamentary session. He is a bright, well spoken MP, and he would definately be an asset in Harper’s caucus.

I hope other Tories out there don’t ostracize me for feeling this way, but I do think we owe more due diligence when our party of choice is in power because we put them there. You might call it being ummm… for the sake of argument… being accountable.