Muslim Terrorism Vs. Free Speech Battle Does Not Make It Open Season On Mohammad

In the last day or two there have been numerous blogs out there re-posting some cartoons depicting the Muslim Prophet Mohammad. Many are saying it is a battle of free speech vs. the Koran which speaks against idol worship and not to make images of Mohammad lest you promote this type of worship.

I can see where people might tie the two together. But I have to say I think it’s wrong to tie any religious holy person to terrorism as many of these cartoons do. I do not argue that blogs and newspapers have a right to freedom of speech and I respectfully accept the argument and agree that we have the RIGHT to it.

I think of the kidnapping of a German that just happened because of the Mohammad caricatures, and I wonder what the countless millions and millions of good, honest Muslims think about the free speech argument being debated with their religious icon as the tool? Does it send some of those who are on the edge over to the radical side in protest of the west? Maybe.

The bottom line is that there has to be some societal class standards set by media, whether blogger or mainstream. Posting these cartoons may be allowed by law, but should it be by allowed by our own conscience is the question I asked myself? Everyone will have their own answer to that question, but as you can see from the lack of links or photos on this topic, I have my own voice on this one.

I guess I’m one of those that think about what they WANT their media to say… and not what it CAN say. Just because we have a ‘right’ to something, does not mean that everything it protects is right.

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