Monte Praises Licia Corbella, And Rightfully So

Monte Solberg rightfully gives Licia Corbella an A+ in Math when the rest of us are working towards an F in Environmental Studies.

Licia Corbella has written a brilliant article in Reader’s Digest about Canada’s Kyoto commitments.

Basically Licia points out that if we decide to ban all planes, trains and automobiles in Canada and entirely abandon all manufacturing, stop all construction and shut every mine we would still fall short of our Kyoto target.

Combined those reductions would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 252.9 megatonnes, still leaving us 17.1 megatonnes short of our insane Kyoto target. Licia gathers all of her information from the Environment Canada website.

Sometimes you just have to wonder who was calculating our commitment. I took the One Tonne Challenge and my home already has so many efficiencies in it that the biggest improvement I could make would be to get rid of the two cars in our driveway. 70% of my calculated Green House Gas production comes from these cars.

If Licia’s calculations are right, I may as well give up now and be happy I am on the side of pulling out of the Kyoto Protocol. Our new home has high efficiency appliances. I replaced pretty much every light bulb with the new energy efficient fluorescent bulbs that use 1/4 the power of regular incandescent ones.

I guess all there is left to do is trade in my Honda truck for a Hybrid Honda Civic. And that isn’t happening soon.