How Many Times Is The Earth "Officially" Warming?

Thanks to John Robson for these 6 historical quotes:

“It appears 1998 will go down as the year that atmospheric and scientific evidence finally put to rest any doubt that the planet is being subjected to global warming, with human activity the probable cause.”

– – Globe and Mail, 1998

“Now, what was once a hotly debated theory – that a vast layer of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other man-made gases in the atmosphere are causing the Earth’s envelope to heat up – has hardened into near certainty.”

– – Macleans, February 2000

“Scientists Now Acknowledge Role of Humans in Climate Change.”

– – New York Times, October 2000

“Scientists have dispelled most of the lingering doubts about the increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere with new evidence from satellites orbiting the Earth.”

– – National Post, 2001

“Consensus grows on climate change”

– – BBC, 2006

“In the past five years or so, the serious debate has quietly ended. Global warming, even most skeptics have concluded, is the real deal, and human activity has been causing it.”

– – Time Magazine, 2006

Now let’s look at today’s headlines.

Science Panel Says Global Warming Is ‘Unequivocal’
– – NY Times, Feb. 2nd, 2007

Paris report calls climate change ‘unequivocal’

– – CBC, Feb. 2nd, 2007

Global problem – Climate-change report released in Paris

– – Ottawa Citizen, Feb. 2nd, 2007

Climate change: The DeniersStatistics needed — The Deniers Part I

Warming is real — and has benefits — The Deniers Part II

The hurricane expert who stood up to UN junk science — The Deniers Part III

Polar scientists on thin ice — The Deniers Part IV

The original denier: into the cold — The Deniers Part V

The sun moves climate change — The Deniers Part VI

Will the sun cool us? — The Deniers Part VII

The limits of predictability — The Deniers Part VIII

Look to Mars for the truth on global warming — The Deniers Part IX

Limited role for C02 — the Deniers Part X

Plenty of reading for fellow skeptics.

12 thoughts on “How Many Times Is The Earth "Officially" Warming?

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    February 3, 2007 at 2:28 am

    Resistance is futile… or, the best CTV push-poll yet…

    The question here isn’t, “Do you believe in Global Warming“, because, of course… only an idiot doesn’t get it… but, “When did you become convinced global warming is caused by human activity?”

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    February 3, 2007 at 7:54 am

    Beauty Mulder.
    Party our ass off, I say. Gonna die anyway.

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    February 3, 2007 at 8:28 am

    Why are some of our record temperatures for each day recorded back in the 1800’s if this problem is just arising now. Bet they didn’t care about global warming back then.

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    February 3, 2007 at 10:23 am

    Thanks for these links! I missed that section yesterday.

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    February 3, 2007 at 10:31 am

    I’m old enough to remember when the scientists predicted that we’d have another ice age. That hasn’t happened.

    Then, the prairies were supposed to be desert ….that hasn’t happened.

    Science is man-made, and thus subject to all of its limitations and errors.


  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    February 3, 2007 at 11:27 am

    Dr. Tim Patterson of Carleton University will be a guest on CFRA’s Late Night Counsell, Tuesday, February 6 at 10 pm eastern (2 hour program). He has a different viewpoint on climate change.

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    February 3, 2007 at 11:29 am

    MadMacs, thanks. Dr. Patterson is a beacon of light for people like me!!! I will be listening.

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    February 3, 2007 at 11:58 am

    Here’s a few more points on CO2 I haven’t heard anyone mention.
    As far as I know CO2 is heavier than air so it sinks straight to the ground where it is absorbed by plants and turned back into oxygen.
    Why hasn’t the govt. announced a massive tree planting campain and an end to all forestry for the good of the planet if this is such a serious danger?

    How can CO2 trap heat in the atmosphere if it sits BELOW the atmosphere right on the ground?

    Has anybody ever showed a lab test where they proved that CO2 can trap heat in a controlled experiment? If so we should be working on how to use CO2 to insulate our houses.

    If CO2 is trapping sunlight from bouncing back into space causing the earth to be warmer ( greenhouse effect), then wouldn’t it be blocking the same amount of light on the way in?

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    February 3, 2007 at 5:05 pm

    TJ, I believe that Lorrie Goldstein has made that very point. I’ll try to find it.

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    February 3, 2007 at 5:10 pm

    Oh maybe not. I thought it was in this article, but it’s not quite what you were saying.

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    February 3, 2007 at 5:14 pm

    If, if the ‘science’ behind this theory is correct, and the observations are correct, then we should all be lamenting how outrageously wrong the writer Erlich(The Population Bomb) turned out to be. Man-made influences on climate can only be the result of a problem summed up in three words: too many people! In this scenario I’m guessing a generalized die-off is more pleasant than actually choosing individuals, although it appears the western world is the primary target.

    However, sober reflection leads to the factual data that supports a more probable, geologic type time frame, in which climate variability closely parallels sun spot activity. That appears to be roughly a 1500 year long cyclical event.

    This might explain how the Vikings were farming on Greenland, and in fact were on the North American continent fully 400 years before Columbus.

    I assume we are safe now from the latest ice age that Schneider(The Weather Conspiracy), with full support from The National Science Board, and the National Academy of Sciences were convinced was imminent.

    Regards CO2, ice core drilling samples of 30,000 plus years of history indicate that CO2 levels actually spike after temperature spikes, not before.

    So what is this all about? IMHO we are seeing the U(nnecessary) N(abobs) over at Turtle Bay in cahoots with their largest constituency, the marxist/socialist cabal, maneuvering to consolidate their dream of one world government. Clearly the only way their dream world can be achieved is to neuter the only people with the wealth and freedom to oppose them, to wit “western civilization.”

    So, while fear of ‘climate change'(traditionally called weather) is the mechanism for this try, the real goal is that ancient marxist/socialist fantasy, success through wealth redistribution. And everyone thought when the wall fell that these most abject failures of governmental theories were gone!

    I believe that if they are successful in this try we truly will be living in a country where we have all been taxed into prosperity. And, when 7% of world population(North America) is no longer able to produce 45%+ of the world’s prosperity, who then will be left to be taxed?. I just cannot for the life of me understand how people are still fooled into thinking if we feed the alligator, somehow there is a victory in being eaten last.


    P.S. If anyone has the chance, the next time they see fruit fly boy climbing off his chartered jet(oops, my bad! This time it’s a chartered luxury motor coach) to lecture for destruction of the western world, and with it civilization, ask him who, after his dream comes true, will be rushing off to Indonesia to provide billions in immediate aid at the next tsunami. Or who will have the resources to alleviate the suffering of the world’s starving masses, because it sure won’t be North America anymore.

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    February 3, 2007 at 7:01 pm

    The climate change community explain their rationale about the mechanisms for CO2 in their “Scientific Basis” report, here.

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