Environment Won't Always Be "Hot" Topic

Last night while watching Gallery Talk on our local CTV affiliate here in Ottawa (CJOH), Norm Fetterley was on with Mike Duffy and Robert Fife for his weekly Friday night 5 minute chat.

They were briefly discussing the recent polls that indicate Canadians are most concerned about the environment this election. Being a strong skeptic that this issue is forefront because of the left leaning media, my ears perked up when Norm pointed out that in his many years he has noticed that the environment only becomes an important issue when the economy is strong. In times where the economy wasn’t so strong, the primary issue usually turned to things like healthcare.

Mike Duffy said that he tended to agree with that statement indicating that this may just be an aberration.

This made me smile because I immediately thought of all the left leaning peaceniks like David Suzuki who come crawling out of the woodwork when the economy is good. Their hands held out (so to speak) to get public speaking engagements and to create a swarming effect and buzz around the government. And swarming is exactly what it is.

Earlier today I was reading this article (H/T Jack’s Newswatch) which outlines how the media circus around the Picton trial is easing up as the throngs of journalists from overseas head on home. The swarm around a trial where almost 50 people were allegedly murdered by a single man has broken. How long before the press moves on when it comes to the environment?

My guess is that it may last through the next election, but it won’t last forever. The ice will eventually come back.

2 thoughts on “Environment Won't Always Be "Hot" Topic

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    January 27, 2007 at 12:14 pm

    Environmentalism is a luxury good. When the economy is good, and people are prosperous, then they tend to be more concerned about the environment.

    And that’s a good thing.

    The reality of environmentalism is that though the rhetoric has mostly come from the liberal/left-wing side of the spectrum, the action on environent, the action has come from the conservative side. The US is one of the strongest innovators of pollution control measures in the world. Brian Mulroney is the greenest Prime Minister Canada has ever had. The Chretien Liberals…not so much.

    Keep holding up the mirror to the environmental movement and eventually the reality will sink in. The media will move on to other stories when their interest wanes or when they find something else to sink their teeth into, but if you keep repeating the truth, people will stop believing the fantasies that the modern, politicized environmental movement cares for anything other than their anti-Corporate/anti-Western agenda.

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