How Does "Osama Bin Laden Middle School" Sound?

This one takes the cake.

The Taliban is spending one million dollars to open its own schools in areas under its control in southern Afghanistan.

The group has announced it will provide Islamic education for students in six southern provinces.

The textbooks would be the same ones used during the Taliban rule.

The Taliban destroyed 200 schools and killed 20 teachers last year.

What a record. Destroy 200 and build one. That’s how you win over the citizens.

I was looking over the courses offered…

Sharia 101 – How To Hit A Woman Without Leaving a Visible Bruise (Full Burka and Hajib required)

Torture 010 – Beheading Dhimmis for Dummies

Advanced Electronics 200 – How to build a bomb using horse manure, a digital watch and a gyroscope

One thought on “How Does "Osama Bin Laden Middle School" Sound?

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    January 22, 2007 at 10:14 pm

    And send the dummy left-supporters of appeasing the Taliban over to help teach the courses. Then, they might at least wake up and support the place where they live, or move out of it.

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