Is Ignatieff The Next To Fall?

How do you upstage this…..

or how about this?

Well it appears that Michael Ignatieff has somehow managed to officially screw himself and upstage all the other goofy photos, including that one of Chretien with pie on his face. This photo of Ignatieff was in the Toronto Star is from a few days ago and slipped under the radar but I just caught a glimpse of it and died laughing. It has him shaking the hand of a supporter outside a subway stop while a man is draining his snake not three meters away. Now THAT’s Officially Screwed!!!

I wonder… will this be un-prime ministerial enough to have him bow out with the other big names? Or will this be his way to raise his profile?

I still think, tongue-in-cheek, that this will open the door for David Orchard!!!