Liberals Fart…Blame Smell On Tories

Now that Zaccardelli has come forward claiming he knew less than previously admitted in the Mahar Arar case, the Liberals are looking to leave the Conservatives high and dry when it comes to an issue that took place under the Liberal watch.

1) The Liberals were in power when Mahar Arar went through his tragic ordeal

2) The Liberals appointed RCMP Guiliano Zaccardelli in the year 2000.

3) The Liberals appointed the O’Connor Inquiry into the Arar ordeal and the Conservatives are acting on every recommendation Justice O’Connor made.

Now that the Conservatives are saving taxpayers millions by waiting for the Arar lawsuit to either be dropped or be finished before moving forward on this file, the opposition Liberals are screaming for a) an apology that would produced a spike in the payout to Arar, and b) the termination from duty of Zaccardelli, whom they appointed.

I am not against Zaccardelli leaving or being pushed out if he wasn’t aware of the details of this high profile case. But I think the government is entitled to a couple of days to assess the situation to determine if a call for his head is warranted. The last thing we need is another Dingwall style million dollar payout if the government boots him. Or worse, a wrongful dismissal lawsuit.

What I hate is the Liberals kicking and screaming at the government to do something that will cost tax payers a big chunk of money and make it look like it was the Conservatives who did something wrong.

What has me the most perturbed at this whole situation is that if a new head of the RCMP is brought in, what happens to the open files such as the investigation into the Income Trust leak that allegedly took place under the Liberal’s watch. Or for that matter, what will happen to all the open cases left with the 33 RCMP Investigations Into Liberal Party Corruption that I posted about back in December 2005?

Will they get lost in the shuffle? Is this what the Liberals want out of the dismissal of Zaccardelli?

One thought on “Liberals Fart…Blame Smell On Tories

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    December 5, 2006 at 9:33 pm

    Answer- probably.
    My real answer-of course

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