The Pen Truly Is Mightier Than The Sword AND The Torch

Here we go again. This is one of the reactions that just doesn’t help the situation.

But it will probably make the growing Wikipedia listing on the subject.

Actually, I give a hat tip to Jack’s Newswatch for the Wiki link. It is very thorough and indicates this has been brewing for over three months and is hitting a head now in early February.

The call to action by Muslims is turning peaceful Muslims into terrorists. Yes, I said it. When people start burning down embassies and calling for death and violence in order to make governments go against the freedoms instilled in their constitutions, they are, in effect, using terror to accomplish their task. This makes them terrorists.

The truth in this matter is that free speech will reign strong when all is said and done. It might be one hell of a battle in the streets and over the web and news channels before it’s over. But, once again, the pen will triumph over the sword.