Paul Martin Wants To Leave Liberal Party Debt Free By Leadership Convention

The Hill Times is reporting that PM PM wants to eliminate the $4 to $5 Million dollar debt by the time the Liberals choose their next leader.

Liberal Party Leader Paul Martin will try to shed the party of its $4-million to $5-million debt before a new party leader is chosen next year, say Liberals who are soul-searching these days now that they’re out of national political power after nearly 13 years in office.

“It is Paul Martin’s intention to hand over the party to the next leader debt free,” Marc Roy, former associate director of communications to Mr. Martin, told The Hill Times last week.

Mr. Roy declined to give specifics, but said Mr. Martin “will work very hard between now and the leadership convention to deliver a party that is debt free to the next leader.”

Steven MacKinnon, national director of the Liberal Party, confirmed on Friday that the party’s debt is between $4-million and $5-million.

But I distinctly remember this article by Sheila Copps, which gleaned the following info from the Elections Canada website not two months ago.

According to Elections Canada, in their last annual filing, the Liberal Party of Canada was $34,818,257.32 in debt, by way of 13 bank loans. The Bloc Quebecois has more than $10 million in outstanding loans, mostly from the Caisse Desjardins. The NDP has several modest loans outstanding, totalling a little more than $3 million. The Conservatives are debt-free.

That gives us a $30 Million dollar discrepancy. Knowing what the Liberals are like with numbers one has to wonder where all the money is coming from?

I have an idea that we might find out.