Tim Horton's In Kandahar? Am I Missing Something Here?

While reading the paper today, I was perusing the first few pages, and catching up on Gordon O’Connor’s announcement on the intentions of the Ministry of Defence, when something leapt out at me.

Canadians may be taking over the region but they will still be guests at Kandahar Airfield, the U.S. base with 9,500 troops and civilians from a host of countries. Canadians have set up headquarters and a Canada House tent and patio where they can sip Tim Hortons coffee and watch the Olympics on TV.

(emphasis mine)

Did I read correctly?  Are they actually sipping Tim Horton’s??  Can I possibly end my protest?  If anyone has a friend in the military who is in Kandahar, I would love to know what they mean by “sip Tim Horton’s coffee”.
For my tastebud’s sake, I hope it’s a real cup of Timmy’s.  But I have a feeling that it is just homebrewed from a tin can.