Tougher Than Quitting Smoking, But I Am Putting Tim Horton's On Notice

Well, I never thought I would say this, but I am going to join a couple of other bloggers, Wonder Woman and Brent Colbert in a boycott of Tim Horton’s.

Why you ask? Well you see, the 3000 plus troops being stationed in Kandahar are hoping for some creature comforts. The Kandahar air force base has other American fast food places, and our boys in tan… errrrrr…… bright green jungle attire, would like a bit of home as well. Tim Horton’s the mega-chain in Canada has said that a Tim Horton’s in Afghanistan does not fit into their business plan. They say that they give a care package to every deployed soldier at Christmas time.

But as Brent points out, Tim Horton’s has thrived on tying itself to Canadianism. They co-sponsored the special Poppy coins from our Dingwall run Mint. They brag that no matter where you go in Canada, Timmy’s is home.

Now for some statistics.

-There are over 2350 Tim Horton’s coffee shops in Canada.
-There are ~30,000,000 Canadians
-That comes to ~12,766 Canadians per store.

There are 3,000 Canadians stationed in Kandahar. This is nominal when you consider the other troops based there. The business model should stand up fine and Timmy’s should be able to outfit a mobile truck to move with the armed forces, and ship in the goods.

At first I thought an airport kiosk would be best (as I commented at NAP’s Site) but the more I think about it, the more I know this business model would work.

So until Tim Horton’s agrees to give our boys a taste of home, I am going to visit other coffee shops like Coffee Time, Second Cup, etc. (No Starbucks, they charge too much and I don’t need an Italian lesson to order coffee).

I highly urge everyone who reads this to e-mail Tim Horton’s and let them know you want them to support our troops.

Addendum – January 30th, 2006 – 10:53 am EDT

FYI, for those of you in Ontario you can Click Here For CountryStyle Store Locater and find one nearest you.

Something I also forgot to point out is that of that 30,000,000 Canadians, many are children. When you think that the 3,000 troops plus other nations soldiers are all adults, you can see the business case look better and better.

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