Gwynne Dyer's Pants On Fire After Substandard Research

Ok, so I just continued the line started by Let It Bleed.

But this kind of shlocky journalism has to be stopped in it’s tracks.

Indeed, no other non-Muslim nation except Israel was a target for Islamist terrorist attacks until after the invasion of Iraq in March 2003. And the attacks since then have been aimed at the citizens of countries that were complicit in that invasion: Londoners, not Parisians; Spaniards, not Germans; Australians holidaying in Bali, not Japanese holidaying in Malaysia

Considering the bombing in Bali took place on October 12th, 2002, Gwynne should be apologizing to all his readers in all 45 countries he is published in for this bald faced attempt to lie.  Ironically, he even uses Bali in his list which makes it truly sad.

The public, if not already, should be very leery of what they read and see in the MSM.  The press today is not like it was 20 years ago.  The advent of quick exchanges via email and electronic data transfer has made it too easy for information to make it to print without the due diligence being done to make sure the information is accurate.

In their attempts to make their deadlines so they get the scoop before someone else, today’s reporters are starting to slack big time to be first and make the big bucks.

H/T to Let It Bleed.