Refugee Status Vs. Old Age Pension In Canada

Apparently, there is an email circulating which discusses the difference between the funds provided for Old Age Pension vs. the funds provided refugees to Canada. It goes as follows.


Only in Canada.

Do not apply for your old age pension. Apply to be a refugee. It is interesting that the federal government provides a single refugee with a monthly allowance of $1,890.00 and each can get an additional $580.00 in social assistance for a total of $2,470.00.

This compares very well to a single pensioner who, after contributing to the growth and development of Canada for 40 or 50 years, can only receive a monthly maximum of $1,012.00 in old age pension and Guaranteed Income Supplement.

Maybe our pensioners should apply as refugees!

I wanted to do my due diligence so took a quick peek around the Government of Canada website for refugee funding and found the $580 RAP (Resettlement Assistance Program) money but could not find where the $1,890 came from.

If anyone out there is aware of where this $1,890 monthly allowance comes from, I would appreciate knowing because if this email circulating is true, it really says a lot about how poorly we have Officially Screwed our senior citizens.

ADDENDUM – I found the Old Age Security payment charts. There is obviously some variation on the amount from the email floating around. You can see the whole grid below and for much more info click the link above. The Guaranteed Income Supplement from the government site is $1006.19. This is not quite the $1012 claimed in the email but pretty darn close so I give the email some credibility here.

While digging for the source of the $1890, I did find the one time household start up page but this is not a monthly allowance. It simply helps refugees start up a household with initial clothing, food, cleaning supplies, phone hookup, etc.

7 thoughts on “Refugee Status Vs. Old Age Pension In Canada

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    September 5, 2006 at 8:18 pm

    Good question. I saw it too.

    You’re up tomorrow in my “Daily Blogger” spot.

    Take care…

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    September 5, 2006 at 10:19 pm

    You won’t find it at Federal Government sites, Chretien didn’t want canadians to see the near $1 billion ayear for these Tourists wanting to stay in Canada and get all the Social benefits , while most people cite proof for Liberal Policies lowering our Taxes , they don’t take into account that the Welfare bill for Refugees was transfered to the Municipal level where the Refugee settles in.
    Yes folks…the rise in Toronto’s property taxes is to fund Federal Policies on Refugees , I told Mayor Miller just prior to his win to be mayor that he needs to stop this Tax-scam that Toronto has allowed to happen.
    Basically , Liberals appease the minoroties in Toronto with claims of generous hand-outs for newcommers , Toronto Councillors use this to get re-elected while knowing the Liberal used the Backdoor at City Hall to raise personal Taxes in the guise of Property taxes .
    ^The Liberal pulled another scam and it’s worse than the Sponsorship rip-off because Toronto is in on it and the expence is on going , I’ve emailed Miller and Pitfield to make the Federal Government responsible for their Policies on Immigration and Refugees, but don’t hold your breath , Miller is in trouble and Toronto is keeping the Liberal alive as the official opposition.
    Liberals in Toronto are hoping to get back in power and to stay in power they’ll even buy votes through the refugee scams and Toronto Council will do nothing to stop it, even Olivia Chow won’t blow the whistle
    and kill her chance of another win in Trinity+Spadina , and Jack wants Toronto+Danforth seat for another term in Ottawa.
    Wake-up people , Downloading was the catch-phrase to disguise shifting the tax burden and Chretien did it to Ontario and Ontario did it to Toronto .
    We better change the Laws so only Citizen can vote for Municipal Politicians, if not , Toronto will collapse under the weight of a massive Social Benefits tax bill where Toronto will be either Rich-People or Welfare housing which will become slums when the middle class tax-base leaves for the 905 homes.

    BTW, many of those old people that got out of Lebanon have applied as Refugees and the dual citizen scam allows people to return to Canada as seniors one day and use the Health care system in their last years which
    puts the greatest burden on medical care for citizens.
    Heart, lung,kidney,hips,cronic care and all the other costs will be billed to the suckers that chose to stay in Canada after being born or getting Citizenship.

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    September 5, 2006 at 10:44 pm

    this issue was brought to light a year or so ago by mcsqinty. he complained that quebec was getting more per person, i think about 8-900 dollars, as compared to ontario which receives most immigrants. can’t remember if the CPC did anything about it. another good analogy is the plight of senior citizens in ontario. they get a $3.35 per day per person for food. compare that to a criminal in a fed prison who gets $5.50 per day along with other nice amenities as tv, tatoos etc. it is really sick and disgusting what our politions do to the seniors who have been treated this way.

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    September 5, 2006 at 11:32 pm

    Lets not forget that is was a Judge that ruled in favour of a Tourtist that didn’t want to leave and hired a Lawyer to argue that Tourists are a Minority group protected by the Charter , ergo..non-Citizens can’t be denied Welfare and Housing like Citizens have access to.
    Art Eggelton was our Mayor and he was quoted in the Toronto Star ( archives online) that Toronto didn’t have to worry about people coming to Toronto as tourists and applying for Refugee status to get all the benefits from Social programms, later on Eggleton saw the bill for Social services shoot through the roof and was quoted again saying that “maybe I should send the Bill to Barabra McDugall in Ottawa” because Refugees come under Federal Policies.
    Well , Art made it to Ottawa and stayed mute on this scam, even after being caught in a Contract scam given to a female friend he slept with, Art was promoted to the Cash-4-Life Senate and still no mention of Toronto being screwed by the Refugee Bill.
    Miller doesn’t have the guts to up-load the refugee costs back to the Federal Government , in fact , Paul Martin bailed Miller out of the Bridge deal law-Suit that was 35 million to not build a 22 million dollar Bridge, and now the TTC gives money to Bombardier as a un-tendered Contract by Moscoe who now whines about the Gardner Plans not being transparent so tax-payers can see the costs befor the November Mayoral Election.

    This is how American soldier apply for Refugee status and it drags out for years with the endles appeals process , one soldier even started a family here which is the standard scam by the Refugee Industry to asure a claim because the child is canadian.
    Thanks to these Refugee activists the Government can no longer demand a female applying for a Visitor Visa to provide a Certificate from a Doctor that they are not pregnant , the new scam is called “Anchor-Babies” that are used to hold the Refugee in place for a approved claim, IF they fail they still have the child that will grow up and use their Citizenship to sponsor the mother into canada.
    With 6.5 billion people outside of canada , our Charter gives every one of them the Right to step on Canadian soil and claim Refugee Status for all the benefits while Citizens can’t claim Refugee Status.

    What a farce , a Judge tries to make the system fair for non-Citizens, but now makes it unfair for Citizens, no wonder foreigners want our Passports but don’t want to live here and pay taxes.

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    Jack’s Newswatch

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    November 9, 2006 at 11:14 pm

    old age pensioner 1006.19
    refugee 600 socil ass plus 580 rap support
    1180 per month 1890 one time only
    still shows you what our government thinks of it`s lifelong supporters.

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