Canadian Visas Sold In Poland For $8000 – Bypassing Background Checks

Have a gander at this in the Ottawa Sun.

Mounties are probing an alleged immigration scam at the Canadian Embassy in Poland in which dozens of Poles may have been sent here illegally without background checks.

And how much do you think our maple flavoured visas go for in Poland?

Poles in Canada said they dished out $8,000 to an Etobicoke man for each visa to bring their relatives here.

And just who do you think would pay this much for a visa which bypasses background checks?

“There were no background checks required,” said one Toronto-area Pole, who knew others who said they paid for visas. “Even the worst criminal can buy a visa for Canada.”

Even the worst criminal. How screwed are we on this one? Potential thieves, doctors, rapists, lawyers, etc. roaming our streets