Sheila Copps Out

I think visions of a Chretienite are dancing in the eyes of those reading the Toronto Sun today.

Sheila Copps is towing the Chretien line of 1991 when he fought the UN resolution to go to war on behalf of Kuwait. She is following the Liberal plan of doing nothing after a dozen UN resolutions telling Iraq to stand down held Canada out of the second round of war in Iraq. And she is quoting from the Liberal play book when she says, and I quote her directly:

It is sometimes wiser to do nothing than to do something in politics.

Excuse me Sheila, but I don’t think Stephen Harper is of the same ilk as you and your “do-nothing” Liberal friends.

I guess Sheila would rather have those two morons from the Kit Kat commercial run the country. Let’s just all chillax and take a freaking break from doing nothing.
