Sharon's Possum Garners Checkmate Over Hamas, Hezbollah

I have been contemplating why Ariel Sharon dealt over 400 prisoners for one Israeli businessman ever since Michael Harris of CFRA asked the question several times over the past two days.

As everyone knows you just can’t deal with terrorists. If you wheel and deal with them on one prisoner exchange, you can be assured that they will take more hostages/prisoners and attempt to negotiate again.

I have a feeling Ariel Sharon was banking on this, especially after reading John Robson’s column today.

Robson indicates the move to withdraw from Gaza was the last move Sharon would make and he is right. But the endgame began when the prisoner exchange took place back in 2004 when Sharon exchanged over 400 prisoners for one Israeli businessman and the bodies of three soldiers.

Sharon knew the withdrawal from Gaza would be the acid test for how realistic the effort for peace put forth by the Palestinians was. Had he refused to deal with the terrorists in the prisoner exchange in 2004, they would be less likely to try it again. His game NEEDED them to try it again. In fact, the exchange was the bait he laid prior to withdrawing every Israeli from Gaza in 2005.

Hamas fell for it hook, line and sinker. They captured Cpl. Gilad Shalit after Israel had given them Gaza and on that day Israel (and the world) knew how much desire there was for peace from Israel’s enemies.

Some may call it devious, but others will call it genious. Even in a coma, the formidable general has scored checkmate.

To quote/paraphrase a caller to CFRA today:

“If the enemies of Israel laid down their weapons tomorrow, we would have peace. If Israelis laid down their weapons tomorrow, we would have another holocaust.”