Canadian Khadr Charged In The U.S. For Plotting To Murder Americans And Weapons Charges

When I was 22, I was stuck between two post secondary educations, trying to figure out what to do with my life. Others, have their lives already planned out by their families.

Allegedly, Abdulla Khadr, the 24 yr old member of the infamous Khadr family was formally charged yesterday in a series of charges.

The indictment alleges that Khadr helped his late father, Egyptian-born Canadian Ahmed Said Khadr, by buying weapons during a five-month period in 2003 for planned attacks against U.S. forces in the border area of Afghanistan near Shagai, Pakistan.

The grand jury says he bought ammunition for machine-guns, rocket-propelled grenades, rockets, mortar rounds and containers of hydrogen peroxide for use in making mines.

Khadr distributed the munitions to al-Qaida fighters and continued buying efforts after his father was killed by Pakistani forces in October 2003, says the indictment. It also contends that he tried to purchase missiles from a Pakistani in 2004

All I have to say is it’s about time. If the Americans want him, I say ship him off. The sooner the better.