What Do The Dippers Have Planned?

Yesterday on Mike Duffy’s Countdown, Mike alluded to a big NDP announcement today. I got the impression he was hinting at the Dippers holding a gun to Harper’s head on childcare for their support.

If he’s right, I think it would be less of a gun and more of an opportunistic move on Layton’s part.

Jack knows Quebecers would likely welcome the additional $1200 a year instead of daycare spaces, and this would be a good way for him to head off the Bloc at the pass and reach Harper first. Provided Milliken wins the Speaker of the House, the Emerson defection gives the NDP/Tory voting block a majority to pass motions.

This means the Tories can work with any one party to pass motions and the NDP will want to be that party. It would give them the clout Jack harped on all election campaign. More NDP MP’s means we can get more done was their rallying cry. In reality, he only needed enough to form a majority with the Tories, which he now has.

Keep your eyes on the NDP news releases today and, in particular, Olivia Chow.