OPPA Tries To Stifle Free Speech

OPP union tries to shut down Caledonia website

Lawyers for the union sent a letter to the website’s host service, Bluehost Inc. informing them that “the organization that identifies itself as Caledonia Wake-up Call has and continues to publish on the website words and images that are false and misleading…”

Via Nealenews

Why would an unofficial OPP Union site want to shut down the site that displays information on the Caledonia affair?  Could it be the fact they have photos of the OPP officers who sat by doing nothing while laws were broken?  Could it be that they have a petition to have the head of the OPPA removed for allegedly telling officers to not act on the illegal activites being perpetrated by the Six Nations folks who have burned bridges, Dug up public roads, destroyed a power transformer, beaten on news crews, and tried to run down officers of the law and just about destroyed the chance of any normal person wanting to visit this town?  It’s no wonder that Yellow Bellied McShifty has given a nice advertising contract to friends of the Liberal party to help advertise for the companies losing business because they are in the “war zone”.

Why is the government working on court orders to shut down websites, when they will not act on court orders to get rid of the protesters??

What a freaking mess.  They can shut down a website with some pictures and articles on the destruction the protesters are doing, but they refuse to act on the destruction itself.  McShifty is a farce of a leader who is making Ontario the laughing stock of Canada.

More at OPP Not Playing Nice
More at If You Can’t Close Down An Illegal Barricade
H/T Jack’s Newswatch for the two extra “More” links.

One thought on “OPPA Tries To Stifle Free Speech

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    July 18, 2006 at 12:09 pm

    Very good write-up. Today’s Hamilton Spectator has a little more of what is going on.

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