I Am Sick Of The CBC. It's Time To Hit Them In The Pocketbook

Stephen Taylor has dug up one hell of a nasty video clip that was produced by the CBC. This clip is so heinous in it’s cropping of politicians statements that it goes beyond the bounds of what a state sponsored television network should be airing.

You have to SEE IT to believe it.

So how do we as citizens end this crap from being produced?

There are two places that would hurt the CBC enough to wake them up and both are financial.

1) Get the government to stop funding this dog of a network.


2) Hit the CBC in the pocket book via boycotting their sponsors.

Number 1) is a tough one for the average Joe to have a hand in, but Number 2) is not.

You can speak with your dollars by letting the following companies know you are very dissatisfied with their sponsorship of the CBC. Clicking a company name will take you to a webpage that let’s you submit a comment/complaint to them regarding their choice to sponsor the garbage CBC is producing.

Molson Breweries (Molson, Coors, Rickard’s, Tornade, Pilsner, Carling, Bohemian, Heineken, Corona, Miller, Foster’s, Dave’s, Murphy’s, Caffrey’s and Milwaukee’s Best)

Labatt’s Breweries (Labatt’s, Oland, Schooner, Alexander Keith’s, Columbia, Kokanee, Kootenay, Lucky, Club, Blue Star, Budweiser, Guiness, Stella Artois, Hoegaarden, Leffe Blonde, Belle-Vue Kriek, Bass, Boddington’s, Cristal, Lowenbrau and Beck’s)

I would urge people to switch to Sleeman’s or some other microbrewery in the meantime.

Home Hardware ( a special case since each store is individually owned you need to contact a store near you. Find it by clicking here)

Tim Horton’s (which will be killer on me because I do respect them for honouring the 1% GST cut)

Ford Motor Company

Imperial Oil (Esso)

If anyone has other suggestions, or knows of any other HNIC sponsors, please let me know. I would be glad to add them to the above list.

I know, I know. It sound’s like just another leftist type activist blog post but this is a right wing activist blog post. All you have to do is see the crap the CBC is producing. For other abuses of our tax dollars at work, I urge you to look at any of these links to Proud To Be Canadian’s Extensive list of CBC crap.

The Gay Bush Hating Channel Presents
Canada’s Own l’il Jihad Network

Joel has dozens of examples. Simply scroll down his page and on the left type CBC in the search box.

ADDENDUM: I have sent all my emails off to the above mentioned sponsors (except Home Hardware who has no stores in my neighbourhood). I urge you all to do the same.

One thought on “I Am Sick Of The CBC. It's Time To Hit Them In The Pocketbook

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    July 13, 2006 at 10:35 am

    What a neat-o and nifty idea!!

    Re-inventing national heroes, yesterday, today and tomorrow!

    THE GREAT WAR ! An upcoming CBC film, to be put together by Director Brian McKenna and Producer Stephen Phiziky (CBC stringer of yesteryear.) Four million three hundred thousand dollar reconstruction and repackaging, agit-prop extravaganza.

    Get 150 great-grandchildren of original participants of WWI to portray their heroic ancestors.

    Get Justin Trudeau ( son of late PM, former nascent separatist, WWII isolationist) to portray Talbot Papineau ( a WWI-era nationalist, hero and fatality.)

    That ought to give Canadians the illusion of what they seem to think they want and need: someone who is not left-leaning, with a pro-Canada, pro-military, ‘heroic’ family history.

    Most of the actors will be descendants of national heroes. Justin will fit right in there, and in the minds of the voters. Re-invented and re-packaged, he too shall be deemed to be the ‘heroic’ progeny of a ‘heroic’ ancestor.

    Hope that there is no public monies going into this white-washing of a rotting sepulchre.

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