The Tao Of Steve (Harper)

Stephen Harper and the whole “Steve” thing got quite a bit of play last week and I think my view on this counts somewhat since my name is Steve.

Now I must add, my legal name is Steve. (not Stephen or Steven) and every conversation with an administrator who took information inevitably ended up like this.

Admin: First name?
Me: Steve
Admin: Is that with a V or a PH?
Me: I said Steve, not Stephen

And I would then proceed to receive a dirty look. That was the only negative.

Positive Number 1

There is this Indie movie called The Tao Of Steve which an old co-worker told me about.

The “Steve” whose philosophy is espoused in Jenniphr Goodman’s indie film is every studly Steve who ever lived in movies, Steve McQueen being the prime example.

These are the men who never seemed to care about getting the girl, but who always got them anyway. “Steve is the prototypical cool American male,” says Dex (Donal Logue), the film’s protagonist and chief advocate of the Tao of Steve.

It’s a really good feel good movie for the average guy and worth a rental.

Positive Number 2

Then there is the whole one syllable angle. One syllable names just sound “cooler” (in general). In multicultural Canada, only Stefano might be slightly cooler.

Positive Number 3

Moving from a 7 letter name to a 5 letter name means less paper so it is more environmentally friendly. (ok, that one’s stretching it)

2 thoughts on “The Tao Of Steve (Harper)

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    July 13, 2006 at 12:32 am

    If you haven’t seen “Over the Hedge” yet, one of the characters, Hammy the Squirrel, suggests the woodland creatures name the new hedge “Steve” because “Steve is a nice name!” I won’t spoil the joke… but you should take in the movie. It was good!

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    July 18, 2006 at 2:51 pm

    I love it having the name Steve. Though I am a Stephen formally, that always left me feeling like I should get my butt kicked on the way home from school. When I went by Steve, I was independent, strong and like you said….usually got the girl.

    Thanks for sharing this POST with us. I happened upon this as I have all of sudden been given a whole new pop to my name thanks to Canada’s Prime Minister. I have people from all over the world amazed that this little known book called The Ripple Effect hasn’t made a bigger splash given my political backing.

    In case your interested….I even blogged about a customer who purchased the book thinking they had really scored a deal.

    Well obvious she just just got me. But hey….I am Steve….I won her over in the end!

    Glad I stumbled upon your BLOG!

    Ripple On!!!

    Steve Harper

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