Breaking News: Three Urinators Found

The Ottawa Police has just announced that they have identified two of the three suspects who urinated on the War Memorial but they cannot be named due their age.  In late breaking news, the third suspect who is also now known to the police was in the process of being contacted when he called the Ottawa Police himself.  He is apparently 23 years old.

The fact that the only one old enough to be named is the only one who contacted police himself seems quite fishy to me.  I suspect this is just part of some way to deflect the anger and let the guy live a normal life without being harassed by bloggers like me!!

I am also now wondering if the photos of the two young offenders constitutes a breach in publication bans on their identity.  If anyone with a legal mind out there knows the answer to this I would really appreciate it since I have several photos of the urinators on this blog.

One thought on “Breaking News: Three Urinators Found

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    July 6, 2006 at 10:19 am

    I was wondering about that too. On the news last night they had the faces of the ‘young offenders’ disguised. Pretty hard to get rid of every such photo on the internet though.

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