A Clearer Picture Of Urinator Number 3

I snagged this off of the local Ottawa News tonight.  I missed their frontal view of Urinator Number 2 below, but I will get it online when I get tomorrow mornings repeat taped.

urinator number 3

I have seen a lot of people online commenting on this.  I do think my “string em up by the eyelids and kick them in the balls until they blink” comment may have been a tad (yes just a tad) harsh, but I do like the idea of making them scrub the monument from top to bottom with a toothbrush or making them clean the toilets of every Legion’s bathrooms for a year once a week might just make them, and anyone else thinking of defiling this monument, think twice before doing so.

In any case, I saw an interview tonight with a WWII vet who said they should be shamed for months.  I couldn’t agree more.

I am glad to see that an official investigation is taking place.  I think if they come forward, like men, they will probably get off a lot easier than if they have to be hunted down like the dogs they acted like.

One thought on “A Clearer Picture Of Urinator Number 3

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    July 5, 2006 at 8:49 am

    Your solution sounds apt to me… the first one I mean, you know, eyelids and balls…

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