If The Gay Community Can't Support Itself, Why Should We Pay For Their Parade?

The Ottawa Gay Pride Parade is begging for more tax dollars…again. And City Councillor Diane Holmes has her head up her ass on the subject.

Ottawa taxpayers are once again being asked to fork over cash to a community festival pleading poverty.

Somerset Coun. Diane Holmes will introduce a motion at next week’s corporate services and economic development committee asking it to recommend council approve more than $50,000 worth of concessions to the Ottawa-Gatineau Pride Week festival.

“The gay pride festival is a festival event for the whole community,” said Holmes.

Is this picture from the Pride parade in Toronto the kind for the whole community councillor? Should I bring my 9 year old down to see this?

gay pride toronto

Or how about this one from New York? Would my 13 year old enjoy this one councillor?

gay pride ny

Or maybe this one from San Francisco? Should I invite my daughter’s 9 year old best friend to come along? I wonder if her parents would be happy I exposed her to this?

gay pride SF

Is this the kind of festival for the whole community Ms. Holmes?

Not my community Ms. Holmes. My community is the one that put forward personal and corporate donations to bring back Canada Day celebrations to Kanata. My community is the one that stepped up and donated personal funds to get little Aiden to the USA for the life saving procedures not offered in Canada. My community is the one that gave CFRA money to pay for Sheila Copps referendum out of our own pockets to hold her to her word when she said she would resign if the Liberals failed to get rid of the GST.

If my community wanted this parade, we would show up and give our support and buy products from the vendors and donate to the cause.

But we don’t.

Obviously you must not live in the same community as me or as I mentioned above, you have your head up your ass and are just cowtowing to buy votes for the upcoming election.

Well I say enough is enough. How proud must this group be to continuously beg for our money? If they can’t support themselves, then they don’t deserve a parade paid for by my tax dollars.

If the Gay and Lesbian community can cover their own costs for the parade, then by all means. Go wild. Have a blast. Shut down Somerset Street and have the parade. Just not on the tax payers dime.

Should this motion go through then once again the tax payer is getting Officially Screwed.