Kyoto Schmoto – The Left Is Barking Up The Wrong Tree

Today I stopped by the corner store to get a plastic bottle. It happened to have some water already in it, but I happen to like the shape and feel of this particular plastic bottle and refill it from the filtered water my refrigerator produces. (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and all that.)The cost of said bottle of water? $2.79 for one liter.

I happened to fill my truck up at a gas station an hour later and what did I pay? Approximately $1.03 for each liter. (Just putting things in perspective).

Considering 97% of green house gases are comprised of water vapour, (yes you heard right), I find it hard to comprehend why the left is begging for Canada to continue with it’s Kyoto commitments. Our planet’s surface is about 70% covered by water. Storms churn in and out on a regular basis spewing water vapour in the air, maintaining the levels of green house gases as the tiny particles float around in the four winds.

I think the left would be better off criticizing Poseidon and Mother Nature instead of beating on big oil.

And in case this doesn’t convince the left to change their target, I would like remind them that whenever they buy anything made of plastic they are supporting big oil because plastic is made from petroleum. Go figure.

The final word?

“Evian spelled backwards is naive”

-Dennis Miller

ADDENDUM:  I posted a few myths about Kyoto back in January and the link is only available via my archives (due to a change in blog software).  For those interested in some really interesting facts about Kyoto and global warming, please have a look.  You will be shocked at some of the information that the lefties aren’t telling you.

One thought on “Kyoto Schmoto – The Left Is Barking Up The Wrong Tree

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    June 16, 2006 at 11:35 pm

    Great post Mulder – some of the links on your archive are dead.

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