I Had No Idea Her Bony Little Arms Had It In Them

Yesterday the public schools in Ottawa had their annual competition in various events like sprints, jumping, throwing, etc.  The events are broken out by grade and Cookie happened to qualify as one of the two sent from her school to compete in the Ball Throw.  All 60 lbs of her 4th grade self.

I have seen her hit baseballs with ease, win provincial cheerleading championships, compete for ovre 5 years at rhythmic gymnastics and continually she impresses me with how she simply excels at sports.

So what does she manage to do?  Throw the ball further than any fourth grader in the city of Ottawa.  I couldn’t believe it when she showed me her first place ribbon.  It was as red as the sunburn she got standing in the sun all day.

Nice job cookie.

One thought on “I Had No Idea Her Bony Little Arms Had It In Them

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    June 15, 2006 at 11:16 am

    Cookie and T-Bone certainly make a poppa proud. Congrats to all.

    Am expecting second grandson to make appearance tomorrow in the C-section if he continues to breech gestation with his somersaulting.His older bro did the same, however,stopped bumming around at last moment and headed home via the regular route.

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